


  • 23 giu 2020
  • admin
  • General Media

Metelli has recently obtained three important certifications:


1)  REX (Registered Exporters): for Canada, Japan and PTOM Counties


With this certification Metelli declares that all products covered by the documentation with the authorisation n. ITREXIT01517740989 are of European Union preferential origin, except where otherwise clearly indicated.

This means that is no more necessary for the customer to have the documents FORM “A” or EUR 1 as the declaration on the invoices replaces them.


2)  Status of Authorised Exporter


With this authorisation (AUT. N. IT/072/BS/20)  Metelli declares that, except where otherwise clearly indicated, the goods indicated in the invoice, is European Union preferential origin.

Countries involved are as follow: 

Switzerland, Norway, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Israel, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Republic of Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo, Mexico, Chile, South Korea, Moldova, Georgia, Cameroon, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Ukraine, South Africa, Costa Rica. 

This means that is no more necessary for the customer to have the documents FORM “A” or EUR 1 as the declaration on the invoices replaces them.


3) Authorisation to carry out customs operations


With this certification Metelli is authorised to carry out all customs clearance operations becoming a “custom branch”.

This means for the customer to save waiting time, management costs due to the automatized control of MRN codes through web portal for the export from Italy.